Building a community where shared beliefs, values, goals, and practices produce accountability to scholarship that generates student work recognized for its critical thinking, beauty, wisdom, and high quality.
2. DISCIPLESHIP & COMMUNITY BUILDINGGrowing in knowledge and appreciation of the redeeming grace of God in Jesus Christ as it shapes our hearts, minds, and bodies within a community characterized by rich student life, spiritual growth, and connectedness.
3. EMPLOYEE RECRUITMENT, DEVELOPMENT, & RETENTION Strengthening and sustaining our capacity to attract, develop, support, and retain the best, most mission-appropriate faculty who demonstrate a deep and abiding love for Jesus, are experts in their field, and are committed to knowing and being known by their students.
4. CAMPUS IMPROVEMENTS & MASTER PLANNINGEnhancing facilities that are designed to be conduits of student growth, development, and achievement.
5. INNOVATIVE PROGRAMSGenerating and developing creative opportunities to advance the mission of CCS and better serve and support students, parents, and employees.
Through these improvements, we desire to achieve the following outcomes:
Robust student interest in high-quality, mission-aligned culture and work
Engaging teaching/learning practices across all grade levels that is aligned to the Graduate Profile
Mission aligned biblical instruction and discipleship that promotes biblical literacy and real world application
Student life that represents the beauty and wholeness of God’s design for community living
Discipleship practices that engage students consistently and coherently in grace and truth
An overarching sense of connectedness and belonging by all students, families, and employees